San Francisco Sofa Store



Dayva, from day one has committed themselves to provide excellent products and they not only guarantee quality but also durability, they have a long list of manufacturers whom they have patronized over these years for their material and product quality, which their suppliers have always being improving upon and creating new designs with various sizes that can be apt for the modern day furniture. As their manufacturers are stationed overseas, they are able to provide them with the best quality raw material which can be finally manufactured into a product that will last for years and protect any furniture that is exposed to whatever weather conditions that prevail.  

They have earned a name for themselves as protectors of patio furniture; they can procure the best quality covers of any size to protect your patio furniture on which you have invested your hard earned money. The selections of the covers that they stock are so wide and finely made that no matter what size you quote they will provide you that. They offer you a choice of various popular colours that will match the exterior of your homes and will look elegant not looking like a sack put on your furniture. They cater to garden furniture covers that are guaranteed never to fade or rot and will last you through all seasons protecting each and every piece of your expensive outdoor furniture.

They have the capacity to stock an inventory of a million pieces and the inventory control is computerized in order to keep the stock with description of various sizes and types of covers. They have covers for recliners, patio sofas, benches, even your swings that will be kept safe during the winter season. They are equipped with designers who with their special machines can prepare covers of quality material and designs to keep your patio mattresses safe from the UV rays of the sun.