San Francisco Sofa Store


Demka Furnishing

With the furniture industry expanding fast, to survive you not only need to provide your client with the best quality, service and price but you need something more. Demka provides not only these but a guarantee of their products that very few in this industry will dare to provide instantly. Their furniture consists of home products such as all types of chairs, tables and other interior furniture. They have professional craftsman and designers on their team, who with their experience and knowledge procure these items from various manufacturers overseas.  

Their marketing and sales teams are professionals and are at every step aware of the customers likes and dislikes and the market conditions to help the management come up with innovative ideas and select that furniture that can meet the consumers demand and not remain as waste in their warehouses. Till date no customer of theirs has shown even the slightest sign of dissatisfaction. Their delight is the satisfaction of their customers. Each item of theirs is packed with perfection so that no damage is caused in transit.

Demka offers home furniture to their esteemed customers with a guarantee of durability in their products apart from a manufacturing guarantee. They have supplied their products over these years to various business houses and homes with a promise of quality and durability because they are sure that the furniture that they have procured is made from genuine raw material and can stand any weather conditions. The designing of the products that they deal in are done by professionals and if any problem regarding any manufacturing, style or quality aspect is raised, an immediate refund or an exchange with a new product is made. They are very prompt in this matter as they feel the confidence of the customer is more important to maintain a healthy relation.